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Extraction 3/5: Hash, Hashish

Cannabis concentrates can be produced in many different ways: The most classical method is the production of hashish. For hashish production, dried resin heads are usually separated from the plant material to which they naturally adhere via a sieve-pocket system - what remains are many small crumbs, the aforementioned dry resin heads. One of these methods is called Ice-O-Lator, where plant material is moved through the filter pockets by means of water and centrifugation. Only the resin crystals that contain the appropriate active ingredients, such as CBD, pass through the screens.

You can first extract the material using a coarse sieve. For this you need the hole size specification, it is 220 micron (220mc) at the long end - equivalent to 0.00022 millimeters or 220 micrometers of hole diameter. The initial screening of the material at 220 micron implies a quality that still contains some plant material. For higher concentrations of the actual resin heads in the hashish, one goes even further and sieves the material from the first pass again in narrower hole sizes, for example through 70 and 38 microns. This way you eventually get little but very purified and highly effective material of formidable quality.

For the production of hashish, it is recommended to freeze the material to be extracted before the process. In this way, the resin heads simply break off from the plant material and the material tends to become purer. For the production of hashish we offer sets with sieve pockets of different hole sizes, like this one with 220, 70 and 38 micron. For plant-friendly rinsing, we have the Bubbleator in our assortment, which does its work like a washing machine and efficiently separates the resin heads from the plant material by a powerful water swirl and the inserted sieve pockets.

In this five-part guide to extraction, we want to give you comprehensive information about plant extraction. We present the different types of extraction and show risks, advantages and disadvantages.